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Our clients can avail from us the best quality Automatic Voltage Stabilizer. In order to manufacture this stabilizer in adherence with set international standards, our diligent professionals utilize quality approved components and cutting-edge technology. Our team of quality analyzers thoroughly monitor this stabilizer to wipe off all sorts of flaws or defects. It is safe against erratic voltage supply and fluctuating power flow. Besides, our customers can easily get this Automatic Voltage Stabilizer from us at highly competitive prices in varied technical specifications.
Following are the special features of automatic voltage stabilizers:
Input range 100-280 to 140-280 & 160-260 Output 220V + 9%
Load Capacities range from .5 KVA to 10 KVA in single phase & 10 KVA to 30 KVA in three phases
Completely Copper bound Buck/Boost transformer.
Special Grade Silicon Steal Lamination for transformer
Complete/ Solid State Control Cord. Electromagnetic relays for reliable performance.
High efficiency
Elegant powder coated housing.
Attractive front panel
Wall Mounting Model also available from 0.5 KVA to 5KVA